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COVID-19 Festival Guidelines and Responsibilities

Effective August 18, 2022


As the COVID-19 situation continues to change in Alberta, the Thousand Faces Festival Association has revised our COVID-19 festival guidelines for our fall festival. As of the effective date, audiences are not required to wear a mask for festival events, however masks are strongly encouraged and will be provided at all entrances to our venues. Audiences will not be required to present proof of vaccination at this time. Currently all staff, volunteers, and artists must isolate if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Audience members are strongly encouraged to isolate if exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. This decision has been made in the interest of the safety of our staff, volunteers, and audiences. 


The Thousands Faces Festival agrees to adhere to the guidelines and restrictions set by Alberta Health at all times. In addition to the Alberta Health guidelines and restrictions, we expect that our staff, volunteers, and audiences agree to comply with our COVID-19 company guidelines.

We expect all audience members to follow the festival COVID-19 mitigation requirements:

  • You must follow good hygiene practices which includes; proper hand washing, use of hand sanitizer.

  • You are strongly encouraged to wear a mask and self-isolate if you exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19.  


*Public Health Orders are subject to change and these guidelines may be updated as new orders will be released.


The World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that one of the best strategies regarding minimizing the spread of COVID-19 is to wear a mask. COVID-19 is spread from person to person through respiratory droplets whenever a person sneezes, coughs, speaks, sings, or breathes. (WHO, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): How is it transmitted?). Wearing a mask creates a barrier to prevent those droplets from spreading to other people


We want to ensure that our staff, volunteers, and audiences are protected while enjoying our Festival. As such, all staff, volunteers, and audiences for the Festival are strongly encouraged to wear a mask while attending Festival events.


Should an Audience Member exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 it is recommended that they isolate according to Government of Alberta isolation recommendations. Attendees should not attend festival events while symptomatic. For a complete list of COVID-19 symptoms, please visit the Alberta Health Website


The following are the core symptoms associated with COVID-19:

  • cough

  • fever

  • shortness of breath

  • runny nose

  • sore throat

  • loss of taste or smell

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